Wastelanders Plans at Raiders / Settlers listed by Vendors and Reputation / Gold Plans of all Factions | Fallout 76 Articles | Nuka Knights (2024)

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Wastelanders Plans at Raiders / Settlers listed by Vendors and Reputation / Gold Plans of all Factions | Fallout 76 Articles | Nuka Knights (2)


Published: Updated:

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Note: New plans are marked bold.

Depending on yourReputation Tier you currently have at Raiders or Settlers, you will receive different offers. The higher your tier, the more offers will be available.

We have the following vendors:

Vault 79 (Secret Service): Regs

Raider: Mortimer (in Crater Core), Molly, Ae-Ri

Settlers: Samuel (Foundation), Sunny

Additionally, there is Minerva, who sells changing offers of all factions. You can find Minervas offers, dates and locations here.

You can buy the plans from Regs right after you have completed the Vault 79 Raid. The plans of Raiders and Settlers will be available for you as listed here:

Settlers (Samuel / Foundation)


  • Plan: Flare (50 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Cattle prod (250 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Chicken coop (750 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Nuka-Cola Collectron (1250 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Beehive (750 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Fortune teller machine (1650 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Red Rocket Collectron (4000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: West Virginia slot machine (1250 Gold Bullion)
  • Perfect bubblegum (75 Gold Bullion) (Note: holds 3 per instance. Re-initiating trade after purchasing them refills the stock)
  • Lunchbox (100 Gold Bullion) (Note: holds 3 per instance. Re-initiating trade after purchasing them refills the stock)
  • Plan: Silver Collectron (1250 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Nuka-Cola Quantum Collectron (1250 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Cryptid Cards Wall Display
  • Plan: Jewelry Stand Flair Display
  • Plan: Auto-Miner Collectron
  • Plan: Weather Control Station (Atlantic City Fog)


  • Plan: Farmable dirt tiles (500 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauntlet (250 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauntlet shock pads (50 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Grocer's backpack mod (350 Gold Bullion)


  • Plan: Chinese stealth armor (4000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Chinese stealth helmet (1650 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Water well (750 Gold Bullion) (You can collect or dink dirty water)


  • Plan: Turbo-Fert fertilizer (750 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauss shotgun (500 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauss shotgun extended barrel (150 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauss shotgun shielded barrel (150 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauss shotgun precise stock (100 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauss shotgun aligned stock (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauss shotgun forceful stock (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauss shotgun perforating magazine (100 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauss shotgun extended magazine (100 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Prime Gauss shotgun receiver (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauss shotgun vicious receiver (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauss shotgun refined receiver (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauss shotgun hardened receiver (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauss shotgun short scope (50 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Daphne (4000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Maul (4000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Solomon Hardy (4000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Yasmin Chowdhury (4000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: F.E.T.C.H Collectron (4000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Katherine Swan (4000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Xerxo (4000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Leo Petrov (4000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Steven Scarberry (4000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Sam Nguyen (4000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Joey Bello (4000 Gold) (Stand Up Comedean)
  • Plan: Grandma Junko (4000) (Nice Grandma, that gives you food)

Raider (Mortimer / Crater Core)


  • Plan: Dynamite (100 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Dynamite bundle (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Ammo Converter (1250 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Weight bench (1250 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Speed bag (1250 Gold Bullion)
  • Lunchbox (100 Gold Bullion) (Note: holds 3 per instance)
  • Carry weight booster (75 Gold Bullion) (Note: holds 3 per instance)
  • Plan: Exercise bike (1250 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Arm wrestle machine (1250 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Mechanical derby game (1250 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Popcorn machine (1250 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Radiation glove box (1250 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Chuckwagon cooking station (1250 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Nuka-Cola mystery machine (1250 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Firewood Pile
  • Plan: Radstag Field Dressing Station
  • Plan: Military-Cryo-Freezer (1250 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Company Tea Machine


  • Plan: Chemist's backpack mod (350 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Floater flamer grenade (150 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Floater freezer grenade (150 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Floater gnasher grenade (150 Gold Bullion)

Neighborly (Molly)

  • Recipe: Pepperoni roll (Sold by Molly)
  • Recipe: Smoked mirelurk fillets (Sold by Molly)

Sold for Caps.


  • Plan: ArmCo ammunition construction appliance (750 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauss minigun (750 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauss minigun gunner sights (50 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauss minigun penta barrel (150 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauss minigun Tesla dynamo (100 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauss minigun Tesla capacitor (100 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Gauss minigun triple barrel (150 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Prime Gauss minigun capacitor (200 Gold Bullion)
  • See: Both Factions (Hellcat / Peppershaker)

Both Factions


  • Plan: Bow (125 Caps) [Sunny (Siedler) / Ae-Ri (Raider)]
  • Lunchbox (100 Gold Bullion) (Note: holds 3 per trade. Re-initiating trade after purchasing them refills the stock) [Samuel / Mortimer]


Sunny (Settler) / Ae-Ri (Raider) [Caps]:

  • Plan: Bow cryo arrows
  • Plan: Bow explosive arrows
  • Plan: Bow flaming arrows
  • Plan: Bow glow sights
  • Plan: Bow plasma arrows
  • Plan: Bow poison arrows
  • Plan: Bow ultracite arrows
  • Plan: Cryo crossbow frame
  • Plan: Explosive crossbow frame
  • Plan: Heated crossbow frame
  • Plan: Plasma crossbow frame
  • Plan: Poisoned crossbow frame


Sunny (Settler) / Ae-Ri (Raider) [Caps]:

  • Plan: Compound bow
  • Plan: Compound bow cryo arrows
  • Plan: Compound bow explosive arrows
  • Plan: Compound bow flaming arrows
  • Plan: Compound bow glow sights
  • Plan: Compound bow plasma arrows
  • Plan: Compound bow poisoned arrows
  • Plan: Compound bow ultracite arrows

Samuel (Settler) / Mortimer (Raider)

  • Plan: Hellcat blood cleanser (1200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat calibrated shocks (3000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat cooling vent (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat core assembly (1200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat emergency protocols (2000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat hydraulic bracers (600 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat internal database (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat jet pack (3000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat kinetic dynamo (1200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat kinetic servos (1200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat medic pump (600 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat motion-assist servos (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat optimized bracers (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat optimized servos (2000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat overdrive servos (2000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat reactive plates (3000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat recon sensors (600 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat rusty knuckles (600 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat sensor array (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat Stealth Boy (3000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat targeting HUD (3000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat Tesla bracers (1200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat Tesla coils (3000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat VATS matrix overlay (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Pepper Shaker dual barrel (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Pepper Shaker gunner sight (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Pepper Shaker hex barrel (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Pepper Shaker laser magazine (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Pepper Shaker plasma magazine (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Pepper Shaker single barrel (200 Gold Bullion)

Plans by Reputation, see also: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76_reputations

Regs (Secret Service)

  • Plan: Gauss Pistol
  • Plan: Gauss Pistol Aligned Short Barrel
  • Plan: Gauss Pistol Drum Magazine
  • Plan: Gauss Pistol Glow Sights
  • Plan: Gauss Pistol Hardened Receiver
  • Plan: Gauss Pistol Refined Receiver
  • Plan: Gauss Pistol Reflex Sight
  • Plan: Gauss Pistol Suppressed Barrel
  • Plan: Gauss Pistol Vicious Receiver
  • Plan: Lighter Build Secret Service Armor Limbs
  • Plan: Plasma Caster
  • Plan: Plasma Caster Aligned Sniper Barrel
  • Plan: Plasma Caster Calibrated Capacitor
  • Plan: Plasma Caster Pulse Capacitor
  • Plan: Plasma Caster True Capacitor
  • Plan: Plasma Caster True Long Barrel
  • Plan: Prime Gauss Pistol Receiver
  • Plan: Prime Plasma Caster Capacitor
  • Plan: Protective Lining Secret Service Underarmor
  • Plan: Resistant Lining Secret Service Underarmor
  • Plan: Secret Service Aerodynamic Armor Arms
  • Plan: Secret Service Asbestos Lined Armor Torso
  • Plan: Secret Service BioCommMesh Armor Torso
  • Plan: Secret Service Braced Armor Arms
  • Plan: Secret Service Brawling Armor Arms
  • Plan: Secret Service Buttressed Armor Arms
  • Plan: Secret Service Buttressed Armor Legs
  • Plan: Secret Service Buttressed Armor Torso
  • Plan: Secret Service Chest Piece
  • Plan: Secret Service Cushioned Armor Legs
  • Plan: Secret Service Custom Fitted Armor Legs
  • Plan: Secret Service Deep Pocketed Armor Limb
  • Plan: Secret Service Deep Pocketed Armor Torso
  • Plan: Secret Service Dense Armor Torso
  • Plan: Secret Service Hardened Armor Arms
  • Plan: Secret Service Hardened Armor Legs
  • Plan: Secret Service Hardened Armor Torso
  • Plan: Secret Service Helmet
  • Plan: Secret Service Jet Pack Armor
  • Plan: Secret Service Lead Lined Armor Torso
  • Plan: Secret Service Left Arm
  • Plan: Secret Service Left Leg
  • Plan: Secret Service Lighter Build Armor Torso
  • Plan: Secret Service Padded Armor Torso
  • Plan: Secret Service Pneumatic Armor Torso
  • Plan: Secret Service Pocketed Armor Limb
  • Plan: Secret Service Pocketed Armor Torso
  • Plan: Secret Service Right Arm
  • Plan: Secret Service Right Leg
  • Plan: Secret Service Sleek Armor Legs
  • Plan: Secret Service Stabilized Armor Arms
  • Plan: Secret Service Tempered Armor Arms
  • Plan: Secret Service Tempered Armor Legs
  • Plan: Secret Service Tempered Armor Torso
  • Plan: Secret Service Ultra-Light Build Armor Torso
  • Plan: Secret Service Underarmor
  • Plan: Secret Service Weighted Armor Arms
  • Plan: Secret Service Welded Armor Arms
  • Plan: Secret Service Welded Armor Legs
  • Plan: Secret Service Welded Armor Torso
  • Plan: Shielded Lining Secret Service Underarmor
  • Plan: Solar Armor Chest Piece
  • Plan: Solar Armor Left Arm
  • Plan: Solar Armor Left Leg
  • Plan: Solar Armor Right Arm
  • Plan: Solar Armor Right Leg
  • Plan: Strangler Heart Chest Piece
  • Plan: Strangler Heart Helmet
  • Plan: Strangler Heart Left Arm
  • Plan: Strangler Heart Left Leg
  • Plan: Strangler Heart Right Arm
  • Plan: Strangler Heart Right Leg
  • Plan: T-65 Helm
  • Plan: T-65 Torso
  • Plan: T-65 Right Arm
  • Plan: T-65 Right Leg
  • Plan: T-65 Left Arm
  • Plan: T-65 Left Leg
  • Plan: T-65 Blood Cleanser
  • Plan: T-65 Calibrated Shocks
  • Plan: T-65 Cooling Vent
  • Plan: T-65 Core Assembly
  • Plan: T-65 Emergency Protocols
  • Plan: T-65 Hydraulic Bracers
  • Plan: T-65 Jet Pack
  • Plan: T-65 Kinetic Dynamo
  • Plan: T-65 Kinetic Servos
  • Plan: T-65 Medic Pump
  • Plan: T-65 Motion-Assist Servos
  • Plan: T-65 Optimized Bracers
  • Plan: T-65 Optimized Servos
  • Plan: T-65 Overdrive Servos
  • Plan: T-65 Reactive Plates
  • Plan: T-65 Rusty Knuckles
  • Plan: T-65 Stealth Boy
  • Plan: T-65 Tesla Bracers
  • Plan: T-65 Tesla Coils
  • Plan: Thorn Armor Chest Piece
  • Plan: Thorn Armor Left Arm
  • Plan: Thorn Armor Left Leg
  • Plan: Thorn Armor Right Arm
  • Plan: Thorn Armor Right Leg
  • Plan: Treated Lining Secret Service Underarmor
  • Plan: Ultra-Light Build Secret Service Armor Limbs
  • Plan: Vault 94 Scout Armor Mask
  • Plan: War Glaive Cryo Blade
  • Plan: War Glaive Flaming Blade
  • Plan: War Glaive Shock Blade
  • Plan: War Glaive Plasma Blade
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Welded Armor Arms
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Tempered Armor Arms
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Hardened Armor Arms
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Buttressed Armor Arms
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Welded Armor Legs
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Tempered Armor Legs
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Hardened Armor Legs
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Buttressed Armor Legs
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Deep Pocketed Armor Limbs
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Pocketed Armor Limb
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Braced Armor Arms
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Brawling Armor Arms
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Weighted Armor Arms
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Aerodynamic Armor Arms
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Stabilized Armor Arms
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Cushioned Armor Legs
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Custom Fitted Armor Legs
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Sleek Armor Legs
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Padded Armor Torso
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Dense Armor Torso
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Asbestos Lined Armor Torso
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Deep Pocketed Armor Torso
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Pocketed Armor Torso
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Pneumatic Armor Torso
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Ultra-Light Build Armor Torso
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Lighter Build Armor Torso
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon BioCommMesh Armor Torso
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Lead Lined Armor Torso
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Jet Pack
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Welded Armor Torso
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Tempered Armor Torso
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Hardened Armor Torso
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Buttressed Armor Torso
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Lighter Build Armor Limbs
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Ultra-Light Build Limbs
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Muffled Armor Limbs
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Strengthened Armor Limbs
  • Plan: Brotherhood Recon Lead Lined Armor Limbs
  • Plan: Crusader Pistol Suppressor
  • Plan: Crusader Pistol Reflex Sight
  • Plan: Crusader Pistol Short Scope
  • Plan: Crusader Pistol Long Barrel
  • Plan: Crusader Pistol Fusion Receiver
  • Plan: Crusader Pistol Pyro Receiver
  • Plan: Crusader Pistol Cryo Receiver
  • Plan: Crusader Pistol 5.56 Receiver
  • Plan: Crusader Pistol Extended Magazine
  • Plan: Hellstorm Missile Launcher Napalm Payload
  • Plan: Hellstorm Missile Launcher Cryo Payload
  • Plan: Hellstorm Missile Launcher Long NV Scope
  • Plan: Hellstorm Missile Launcher Plasma Payload
  • Plan: Hellstorm Missile Launcher Enhanced Blast Payload
  • Plan: Hellstorm Missile Launcher Short Recon Scope
  • Plan: Plasma Cutter Cryo Blade
  • Plan: Plasma Cutter Flaming Blade
  • Plan: Plasma Cutter Shock Blade
  • Plan: Hellcat blood cleanser (1200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat calibrated shocks (3000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat cooling vent (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat core assembly (1200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat emergency protocols (2000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat hydraulic bracers (600 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat internal database (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat jet pack (3000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat kinetic dynamo (1200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat kinetic servos (1200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat medic pump (600 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat motion-assist servos (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat optimized bracers (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat optimized servos (2000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat overdrive servos (2000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat reactive plates (3000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat recon sensors (600 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat rusty knuckles (600 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat sensor array (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat Stealth Boy (3000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat targeting HUD (3000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat Tesla bracers (1200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat Tesla coils (3000 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Hellcat VATS matrix overlay (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Pepper Shaker dual barrel (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Pepper Shaker gunner sight (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Pepper Shaker hex barrel (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Pepper Shaker laser magazine (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Pepper Shaker plasma magazine (200 Gold Bullion)
  • Plan: Pepper Shaker single barrel (200 Gold Bullion)

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Wastelanders Plans at Raiders / Settlers listed by Vendors and Reputation / Gold Plans of all Factions | Fallout 76 Articles | Nuka Knights (2024)


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Author: Lidia Grady

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Views: 5894

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.